Monday, August 27, 2012

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Monday, August 20, 2012

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The imperial adults how to fancy such a place it? Tell the truth in this matter, as long as the small imperial envoys say a word, immediately put into Da Weier City as a whole the best land to give it. not to mention himself, in fact, the adults find any aristocratic nobleman will own the best land to offer, because this is not only to curry favor with the best opportunity of the adults and the construction of the nobility hospital on their own land, that But both face after a glorious thing.
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Saturday, August 18, 2012

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

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Monday, August 13, 2012

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Few of them will brush, a party to the exquisite ancient Research, Song Qing River indulge waving ink on white paper, light blue robe arbitrarily draped over his body, the wind, Zhu Ying, leisurely, without a trace of fireworks, hair neat site of an ancient hairpin in the head , simple and fresh, smooth skin jade, his face wearing a quiet smile, tall, exude a moving magic, if not placed next to the nether sword, and how I can not see his men in control of an mysterious evil force.
Beautiful impressionistic ink landscape painting vivid and colorful, mountains, Bamboo, Feng Ying, smooth style, meaning shaped, non-stop flow to fill the gap, Song Qing River face a satisfied look, today's high spirits, essays draw filled with the aura of the landscape.
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Friday, August 10, 2012

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Very strange coming out of these people, in advance, no signs to follow, suddenly appear in every corner of the city, sporadic, not together and really do not know how they sneaked into the city.
This incoming ... space move? Such an important matter in advance a little notice are not home the main still, the intelligence agencies all should be the Seppuku responsible for the.
Not at all the changes in front of shocked, several sub-captain of the five-color flag immediately determine the answer closest to the facts, and under the command of the team organization is completed for many years in the demons of combat training on the island, there are numerous unexpected situations. unusual army difficult with the demolition with the group like this is simply commonplace for them.
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Sunday, August 5, 2012

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

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Wang Shan is the first time to face combat, but not stage fright, just did not think a word direct attack on the wrong body to flash each other Daoshi the hands of the sword waved his counter-attack each other simultaneously stature flash activities.
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