Monday, March 25, 2013

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Monday, January 7, 2013

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Said my generation, Fisher Prince ... only older than you old Bale, That is, in a large 24-year-old Prince when Prince Fisher was born .. the contention of the imperial power .... So, no matter what sense, Fisher Prince has been slower than the great prince step, at least among the giants of the major empire influence, Fisher Prince is definitely not as princes ... "so, would not that Fisher prince no chance?" Duke jerseys Road. Greene shook his head and said: "it is not so, if princes and Fisher Prince two compete for the throne of the Fisher Prince is definitely not little chance of winning, but the jerseys, you do not forget, the two of them first, there has been a person want to imperial power solid ah! jerseys the heart hop, a moment after, only whispered: "Father, do you mean ... Austin III, His Majesty ..." Green Duke micro-a nod, said: "Guess not at all right, the fight of the imperial power, just between the two princes, the original is not a troublesome thing, but it happens, but there is a person on top of the two princes .... .. Austin III, His Majesty age,oakley replacement frames, although large, but Is he really willing to decentralization it? I am afraid that may not be right otherwise? until the day he died, his client was incensed the hands of the right? Therefore, in both bit princes above but there are checks and balances exist, presumably the two princes are aware of this, so, the great prince today and it did not make anything out of things ... because his mind is also clear now Empire Emperor is not he, if he killed his younger brother, then, then I am afraid so many years of hard business right circle, we must once bereaved, after all, he is not the emperor, all of his power from his father - Austin III, His Majesty ...... so I said what the great prince nor stupid. "jerseys looked at his father spoke these words be placed anywhere, these words are sentence to punish heart ah! royal if people hear the words, I am afraid that is the big trouble ... eyes facing the Green Duke, jerseys deeply suck the breath, a moment before: "Father adults .. .... these things, why do you want to tell me? there is involved in too many things too much, my words, I am afraid ...... "precisely because it was you, I will tell you, Green Duke sigh breath, "My son, perhaps you have not yet aware of, but if I guess right, being in this battle of imperial power, no matter how large the Prince or Fisher Prince, the way to win over our Green family pressure in your body, because they feel, is the best way to face you when they can do anything in front of me, but they did not dare, after all, Northern Legion of thousands of male military is not put in there for decoration .... So in other words, then they will continue to win over you, because everyone knows